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Dawn McCoy
Dawn McCoy's 2013 “aha” moment led her to the realization that optimal health and abuse recovery were imperative for her to be a good parent to her son. Now she is using her decades of leadership experience and skills to help raise awareness and support others on two fronts: narcissistic abuse and special needs children.
In addition to being a narcissistic abuse survivor, Dawn is also a single mother of a 9-year old boy who has autism and other complex conditions.
Dawn credits an event coordinator who asked her, “why did you give away your power?” as the most helpful advice of her recovery journey.
Despite personal tribulations, Dawn leverages three decades serving as a leader to raise awareness about toxic patterns of abuse. In her community, she connected with domestic violence organizations and helped spread the word about available programs and resources.
While she educated herself on narcissism and shared resources with others, she also started an online support group for mothers of children with rare diseases. In turn, her articles were published in The Mighty and other publications about caregiving for a special needs child.
Along her healing journey, she participated in Celebrate Recovery meetings at her church and engaged in dialogue about services for people with disabilities coping within the trauma-informed care movement.
And, most recently, Dawn has lent her time and talents to create the event program content for the 2019 and 2020 World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day Telesummit. She said, “attending the summit in prior years made her want to be more proactively involved beyond sharing examples of her progress with friends, family, and colleagues.”
While continuously sharing narcissistic abuse awareness books, websites, and social media pages, her goals are simple: Share resources about how to overcome and demystify the perils of psychopathy.
Through project-based initiatives, community involvement, and ongoing social media engagement, Dawn aims to lend her talent to educate others about toxic patterns of narcissistic abuse.
In addition to her work raising awareness about narcissistic abuse, Dawn launched Flourish Leadership Group, LLC after a 2009 layoff. Her mission is to nurture current and aspiring women in their roles as dynamic leaders.
Since launching Flourish Leadership Group, Dawn has secured speaking opportunities nationwide and rolled out executive management training and consulting services within the public and private sectors. In more recent years, she has added strategic planning and project oversight, given her engagement with various community initiates.
If you’d like to find out more about Dawn and learn about all the wonderful causes and projects she’s making a difference in, you can click the link and you can follow Dawn on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter at @dawnmccoybooks.
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